Take Our Daughters and Sons To Work Day
Take Our Daughters and Sons To Work Day

On Friday, February 1st, Broward and Miami-Dade Counties both held their yearly “Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day”. This yearly event is sponsored by the Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Foundation, who encourage students aged 8 to 18 to participate by visiting the workplace of a parent, guardian, adult relative, or adult family friend. The day promotes making a correlation how academics as a student relates to entering the workforce as an adult, and also helps students to begin thinking about their future goals. HDS Companies was proud to partake in this activity by inviting everyone to bring their children and invited students to the Weston office for the day.

After arriving in the office, each of the kids sat with their parent or guardian to learn about various jobs at HDS. The eHousingPlus department set up stations for the kids to rotate through in order to teach them about the various roles in that department. Other kids learned about programming and business skills during their shadowing.

At noon it was time for lunch, when all of the kids and parents gathered in the lunchroom for a pizza party. Afterwards, it was time for the visiting students to learn more about HDS. Everyone gathered in the conference room where presentations were given. eHousingPlus and Digital Docs were the first to present, followed by Software and Product Development, which led into the Business and Marketing Department, and concluded with the IT Department presenting.

Once the students had seen the different jobs that were important at HDS, it was time for the kids to tell the HDS employees what they wanted to be when they got older. Each child was given a poster board, magazine pictures, and stick-on letters which they used to create inventive vision boards. From doctor to gardener to veterinarian, and more, the kids all expressively showed what they want to be once they reach adulthood. The completed vision boards were all hung in the front of the office for everyone to view and admire.

After the vision boards were completed, the students stayed in the conference room to watch a movie. Popcorn was handed out to each student, at which point one child exclaimed, “This is the best job ever!” Once the movie ended, all the students went back to finish the day with their guardians. The day was a great success, and HDS will be thrilled to host the next “Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day”.

To learn more about the HDS Companies, visit www.HDS-Companies.com.

by | February 4, 2019

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