The NEW HDS Web-based PBT Compliance Module
As an add-on module to the Windows-Based HDS Section 8 Contract Administration module, the Performance Based Task Compliance module is an intranet solution designed with a perspective-based presentation to provide more succinct and narrowly focused views of the various functional and informational aspects of the application. Perspectives are security enabled and flexible enough so that functionality in each one can be tailored according to the responsibilities of an individual system user or group. Effective integration of invoicing procedures and task entry allow for streamlined compliance.
Security Enabled
The PBT compliance Module is a security enabled intranet solution. Depending on the individual role of the agency user or group, certain functionalities will be made available via individual supervisory controls. Security permissions are controlled by the Agency’s System Administrator via the HDS Security Module, in the same manner as the windowsbased systems.
PBT Invoicing
PBT Invoice Processing, Simplified! PBT Invoicing Perspectives are aimed towards users whose role focuses on fee invoicing, allowing agencies to track, manage, and report on the eight Performance Based Tasks, as defined by HUD in the Annual Contributions Contract (ACC). Functionality in the PBT Invoicing perspective include: Invoice Tasks, Fees Report, Fees Analysis, Invoice Month Overview, and Contract Years Overview.
PBT Invoicing provides users with the current month’s Invoice Task Details. By default, Users will be able to view the current contract year and current month for the last open invoice, as well as view details for the invoice month which is currently in progress. Flexibility and simplified functionality are at the forefront of the compliance module. As you select each task, invoice details are provided in the lower pane. Available options and selections will vary depending on the associated detail for the particular task.
Users who wish to view specific contract years, previous or upcoming, can view individual invoice months by selecting the desired Contract Year option. Depending on the status of the selected invoice, users will have the ability to process the invoice, submit an invoice, re-open an invoice or approve the invoice according to the various invoices stages. Options available to the users will vary depending on the status of the invoice selected.
Invoice Overviews for corresponding months will be displayed on the PBT Compliance Screen. Contract Years will be created via the module with accompanying details corresponding to the invoicing for individual months in that contract year.
PBT Invoicing : Fee Reporting & Fee Analysis
Fees reports and Fees Analysis will be available in the lower pane of the compliance module screen. Reports options include viewing in the Section 8 IBPS windows– based module or selecting the view in a grid. Monthly fee calculations reports can easily be produced and printed, or exported via a data view that has been requested by your assigned HUD COAM. Fee Reporting will be presented via a detail report for all fees assessed for the current invoice month. The Fees Analysis view will display a grid allowing for customization, exporting, and printing off the Fees Analysis report.
Task Entry
The Task Entry perspective will provide the option of selecting one of eight Performance Based Tasks, as outlined in the HUD ACC. HDS considered functionalities that would allow agency users to achieve their PHA responsibilities by meeting their programmatic and administrative objectives. As agency users complete the tasks which need to be performed during the performance-based task compliance process, individual tasks will provide users with ability to create reminders, maintaining the time limits required by HUD.
- Management and Occupancy Review
- Adjust Contract Rents
- Review and Pay Monthly Vouchers
- Renew HAP Contracts and Process Terminations and Expirations
- Tenant Health, Safety, and Quarterly Reports
- Administration– Monthly and Quarterly Reports
- Administration– ACC Year End Reports and Certifications
- Annual Financial Reports
The New performance metrics within Task Entry perspective module allow for resourceful compliance tracking, with the capability to perform modifications, add comments/notes for each of the eight tasks, and functionality for users to override system calculations, if necessary. The HDSPBT Compliance Module, alongside all HDS Management System Suites are consistently and abidingly maintained and updated to comply with all HUD regulatory guidelines.
Additional Features of the PBT Compliance Module
- A new HDS state-of-the-art web-based technology
- Built-In Audition for all eight performance-based tasks
- Data View reporting specific to each performance-based task, with customization functionality
- Create your own reporting style: customize, export, and print monthly reports, performance information, follow—up information, and monthly appeal.
- The flow of the compliance models individual Housing Agency workflows for defined performance.
- Set Reminders for each PB Task allowing you to meet your Time Parameters.
- Enter Notes and Comments specific to each invoice and/or PB Task
- Your all-in-one solution to structured and simplified compliance.